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For more information on any of the animals on our list, please call, email or FaceBook message us. Pictures of any available animals or products can easily be furnished upon request. 

Available Animals 

Ball Pythons






Bumblebee Superstripe


Pastel Yellow Belly

Yellow Belly





Adult Breeder Ball Pythons Available! All are proven breeders.



Orange Dream Bumble Bee Superstripe - $700 1300g
Banana Yellow Belly $275 965g



Other Snakes

Bredls Pythons - Afors line M/F

Emerald Tree Boa

Anaconda Hog Nose Het Albino Female

Suriname Jungle Cross Boa

Mosaic Florida King Baby

Black Blood Python

Nelson Milk Snake Baby

Baby Okeetee Corn Snake 

Matrix Blood Python Het T-negitive

Kenyan Sand Boa

Childrens Python Pair

Adult Corn Snakes

Jungle Boa Female

Green Tree Python - Yellow and Green - Amazing!!

Mandarin Rat Snake





Baby Bearded Dragons

Savannah Monitor

Gonocephalus Chamaeleontinus

Baby Blue Tongue Skinks - Halmahera and Northerns

Gonocephalus Doriae Abbotti

Frilled Dragon - Juvies

Water Skinks Sulawesi

Mountain Horn Dragons - Babies and Adults

Ornate Uromastyx


Steppe Runners

Peters Giant Banded Skinks

Baby Timor Monitor

Emerald Swift

Jackson Chameleon

Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

CB Reticulated diving skinks


Algerian Berber Skinks - Beautiful!




Crested Geckos

Giant Day Gecko

Paroedura Androyensis

Paroedura gracilis

Fat tail geckos

Leopard geckos

Paradoera lohatsara

White Collar Pine Isle Chahoua Geckos

GT and Moro Leachianus Geckos

Gargoyle Geckos



Claw Frog

Australian Golden Bell Frog

Blue Azura Dart Frogs

Red Eye Tree Frog

Solomon Island Leaf Frogs

Tomato Frog

CB Vietnamese Mossy Frogs


Turtles & Tortoises

Red Foot

Leopard Tortoise

Sulcata Tortoise

Brazilian Cherry Head Tortoises

Russian Tortoise

Specks Hingeback Tortoise

Alligator Snapping Turtle



Insects & Arachnids 

Desert Hairy

Whip Scorpion

Mexican Red Knee

Pumpkin Patch

Green Bottle Blue

Mexican Fire Leg sling


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